Through the study of history, Cavina pupils will acquire not just an insight into why the modern world looks the way it does but also vital skills that will equip them to deal with it.
In the junior school, pupils are introduced to ancient history through the study of Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire. They then embark on a history of Britain before widening their scope in their final year with topics ranging from the American War of Independence and the Indian Mutiny to studies of the Industrial Revolution and the Boer War. (These topics vary from year to year.)
In line with the Common Entrance syllabus, the focus is on British history, but efforts are always made to look for parallels in the modern world, particularly in Kenya. It should be noted that what is taught is less important than how it is taught. By the end of their time at Cavina, our budding historians will understand how to conduct independent research, how to weigh and evaluate evidence, how to write analytically and how to support an argument – all skills that are likely to prove important in the workplace.
Kenyan history is taught separately as part of a discrete Kenya topic that covers the geography, history and culture of the country.