
A preparatory school, by its very definition, aims to prepare children for later life. This partly involves ensuring that our pupils make a successful transition to their chosen senior schools. Yet our horizons stretch beyond this.  It is in these formative years that the foundations for life are laid. To misquote Aristotle, give us a child until they are 13 and we will show you the adult.

It is for this reason that we at Cavina will do everything we can to identify, draw out and develop your child’s passions and talents, both inside and outside the classroom. A Cavina pupil (known as a ‘Cavian’) can expect to be busy but fulfilled. Opportunities to shine abound in a lively schedule of schoolwork, drama, music, sport, expeditions, and extra-curricular activities. As you might expect in a school that emphasises enthusiasm as one of its core values, we encourage pupils to embrace as many aspects of school life as possible. In this way, our pupils discover a sense of achievement, accomplishment, and self-worth, allowing them to gain the confidence they need to respond to challenges later in life.

While we rightly celebrate individual success and effort, this matters little if we lose sight of the kind of traditional values any Christian school worth its name should seek to foster. Our pupils are therefore taught to distinguish clearly between right and wrong, to show courtesy, kindness, and fairness in their dealings with others and to develop a social conscience that will allow them to become compassionate, discerning, and responsible members of society.

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