The School Day
Every school day begins with a form period during which issues of importance are discussed and the register is taken. This is followed by a full school chapel service from Monday to Thursday and house assemblies on Fridays. Morning lessons follow before and after a mid-morning break.
After lunch, pupils mostly engage in non-academic activities. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays these take the form of afternoon games, which take place either at Cavina or Impala Club, where the school hires playing fields. Our main team sports are cricket, football, rugby, netball, and hockey. All pupils are also involved in our individual sports programme, which consists of swimming, athletics, cross-country running, and tennis.
On Fridays, pupils choose from a range of free and paid extra-curricular activities, which take place after congregational singing practice, while on Mondays pupils can also choose to take part in a variety of paid clubs.
Our younger pupils in Years 2 and 3 (what we call Forms I and II) have a slightly different afternoon programme with less emphasis on team sport. They also finish the day an hour earlier, except on Wednesdays when they go home at lunch time.
Many children are also involved in ‘extras’, which take place for an hour after the formal end of the school day at 4pm. Squad training, drama rehearsals and optional extra subjects take place in these sessions (please note that some of these activities are compulsory). In addition, some activities take place before the start of the school day, such as squad swimming and orchestra.
Saturdays are regarded as a school day, although no academic lessons take place. There are often upcountry games, tournaments and music events that take place on Saturdays. These are compulsory for pupils involved, although all such events are listed on the school calendar published at the beginning of term so that you can make weekend plans accordingly.